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Presidential Unit Citation Info

In a message dated 7/6/2005 7:16:10 AM Pacific Daylight Time, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. writes:
Normally the Secretary of the Navy would forward these type of correspondence to the Marine Corps for direct reply. However, we have not received a tasker from the Navy on this case. In the event that we do, we would reply in the same manner as the reply that we will be preparing.

In advance, I would think that the Commandant of the Marine Corps would not endorse your request without evidence that there was an administrative error. Additionally there should be an endorsement from the originator of the award recommendation or anyone in the chain of command who endorsed the award, and a recommendation from the Secretary of the Army.
And I am supposed to know all of that! The Marines made the error and I now have to prove that it occurred--got it! Will go to my Senators and get them to reopen the case.

The Navy told me 9 months ago that they would get back to me in 90 days. Guess that they should also be a subject for Congressional examination.

While I am at it I may as well get all of the former members of the 282nd to write their Senators and Congressmen.

I just can't believe the bureaucratic run around that I am getting--I have proved that they were on the Khe Sanh Plateau on 21 January 1968 trying to relieve my beleaguered garrison, I have proven that their service was honorable and heroic, I have proven that my 4 advisors and CAC O got the PUC for the same action, but because they were an Army unit whose actions the Marines forgot about until I raised the issue the Marines are going to do nothing--GREAT Story!

Bruce B. G. Clarke
Colonel, US Army (retired)
785 478-2800
785 478-2801 FAX
785 550-8653 Mobile
Click here: www.BruceBGClarke.com
I would like to encourage everyone to read chapter 8 of Expendable Warriors: The Battle of Khe Sanh and the Vietnam War--The Black Cats to the Rescue and then offer any additional facts to augment / correct what is there.
At Gary McClendon's urging Bob Ford and Rich Zeltner agreed at the reunion to take on the task of submitting the final paper work, as former members of the chain of command for the PUC and the Brittingham award.

From the wall of a bunker at Khe Sanh

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